Tuesday, December 05, 2006


St. Lois has been cold since last week. some friends didn't have power in their house for several days so they had to sleep over other friends' house who have power.
(My note: at Adit's house there were Mas Oki, Mbak Hani, Hanna, Jibran, Ading, Phon, Budi, Joseph).
It was fun aniway, we got to hangout under one roof for several days.

Moreover, the snow storm made the trees beautiful.
It was one of the most beautiful winter I have spent in US.
all branches were covered with glazing ice instead of snow, so on sunny day those trees looks like a bunch of glazing plastic trees.
Soooooo beautiful!


At 7:53 PM, Blogger Mac said...

Yup it's beautiful aside from the fact that it's freakin' cold! :D btw thanks for the good luck!

At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

roi loe lupain nggit! inget ga yang pagi2 begitu bangun langsung buka kaskus.com? eh apa loe udah cabut kerja ya pagi itu?

At 10:39 PM, Blogger Mac said...

Ah Roi sih emang pantes dilupain, eh maap da... Ro'i kan dapet kepercayaan buat jagain lu yah? :D iya dia buka kaskus hari sabtu tuh... Anggit sih masih di sana... kan waktu itu mo ke carbondale...

At 8:57 PM, Blogger anggit said...

oopss.. iya si Roi.
ya gpp lah.. benernya emang mau di'sembunyi'in kok hahaha...


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