Wednesday, October 25, 2006

What a day. I've just spent $600 fixing my car. Oaaarrrgggghh! I haven't found 'real' job and I gotta spend that much money. Now, I'm broke.
Today is sooo blue and gloomy. It's cloudy, raining, cold, and I had to wait for over three hours while those guys fixing my car. I told them I would pick my car up by noon but they finish it at four! I had to skip six and half hours of my work, which equal to $45.50 worth of my paycheck. hmmm... what a day!

These days, I want some 'revolutionary' change in my daily life. Sometimes, I want to move to Texas, California, Colorado, or at least Chicago...


At 11:13 AM, Blogger Mac said...

Gittt... are you sure you want to move far from us St Louisian? Mann.... please deh :D

At 4:05 PM, Blogger - said...

holy moly...that's a lot of money nggit, it's a one way ticket to go home...mudah mudahan cepet di ganti dengan yang lebih banyak lagi yahh..and if it makes you feel better..arya is gonna spend around $2500 to fix his car..ouch!!

At 10:39 AM, Blogger anggit said...

Mac: iya neh.. gak tahan, jadi 'victim' ceng cengan mulu.. hahaha.. :)
gak lah.. cuman kalo g dpt2 kerja jadi mikir2 juga. apa problemnya di 'location' yah? gitu..

mbak Hanzky: Amiiin... hehehe.. I feel better already. hahaha.. thanks! (poor Arya! uang segitu kalo buat ke Hollywood tempat ksukaan dia.. mmm.. gak jadi deh gak usah diterusin. hahaha... just kidding mbak!)

Tina: long time no see, Tina. tar indonite bantu2 lagi kan? ada memory kita pertama ketemu looh hehehe..

At 12:03 PM, Blogger Mac said...

Git, lu ga mo cerita soal pengalaman indah lu saat ultah kemaren? :D

At 10:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about staying here and go to grad school? ;p


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