Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Something that never change is 'change' itself once my friend told me when I leave Indonesia for the States.
Now I truly understand what that mean.

It's nice to see change, if it's for something better.
but it's scary to see change, if it's for something worse, or something that totally different.

oh.. how sad when the person that used to give you 'ilu' & 'imu' words... never do that again. Not even when you asked him/her. What should you do?
how sad when you know that your friends.. long time friends that you can express all the feeling freely, now giving you a 'line' where to express where not to.

I guess everybody just has to accept that something that never change is change itself, and move on.


At 2:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ga mudah melupakan
tapi ga berarti ga mungkin

kalo orang nikah puluhan tahun aja bisa cerai, apalagi baru pacaran.

be strong man


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