Thursday, January 11, 2007


Looking at my past, now I realize how important plan B is for me.

When I was a kid, I wanted to someday work for IPTN. Yeah, make my own Plane and become Mr.Habibie's apprentice. :)
But now, IPTN is NO MORE. So, hehe.. there is no plan to that for now. Gotta go with Plan B.
when I finished my junior high school, I planned to go for SMA Taruna. A school that would give me free everything and moreover I will get paid for going to that school.
All went well, including the tests and all the paperwork. Then it came the National Test result came up. I got all six grades almost perfect, except Math!! just slightly below the requirement.
So there it is, Plan B, I gotta go to Probolinggo I High School. Gosh! I was so skeptical about the school when I entered it.
Now, I am soooooooooooooooo grateful that I entered that school. It helped me getting my scholarship for an exchange program to US.

moral of the story, Plan B is not necessary bad when we have to use it. I may be good in the long run. so, make a Plan B.


At 6:02 AM, Blogger Cygyt said...

I agree... Plan B is not necessary bad or inferior... You may not be happy with it in the first place but in fact a spare tire is always handy when you got a flat tire right? Even though spare tire is uglier, smaller and doughnut like:P It's still help you move to the nearest car shop...


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