Saturday, November 01, 2008

So I've just had my birthday dinner last night at Hotshot in Pacific Place (one of Ritz-Charlton super building block square). What a dumb luck, without expectation the restaurant has 50 percent off program due to 'economic slowdown'. Well, at least that's what it said in their brochures.
Food was alright. The best burger I found in Jakarta so far. Even Burger King and McD in Jakarta have quite different taste compared to the ones in the States.

Afterward, we went karaokeing for an hour. That was fun.

Little story regarding my birthday day, I was working till 10.40 pm!!! That was the longest day I work so far. And the day before that, I work on the assignment till 3 am. So imagine how I was ready to crush when I got home.
However, a bunch of friends were ready at my home for a surprise party. They were waiting since 6 pm and I got home at 11.15 pm!! What a nice bunch.

hmm.. I'm 29 now. If my life was according to plan, I supposed to start family a year ago.. or even better, a couple years ago... I don't know what God's plan on this.. but I am just confuse sometimes.. Things are not in the way I want it, I have been trying to accept it happily but sometimes I just can't...
Well, it's not a perfect world.. sometimes that's an excuse I usually use to make myself better.

Overall, I am happy that I have always been surrounded by nice friends around me. Keeping me cheerful and grateful in whatever situation I am in.


At 2:42 AM, Blogger HERTHA PROJECT said...

Every footstep has its own line, and we don't know where will our footstep go in our rest year. Happy Birthday (again)

At 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Walah..its rather too late to say 'Happy B'day' for Anggit.
But its better than never ya :-)

Hoping all happines and cheerful will around you..

Astuti Wiwin Widy -veergeest mich??(Incidentally I open Hertha's nice blog en read your post)

At 10:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aqu kartika wah my english isnot well indonesiaan aja yachh masih bisa kan? temenmu di smu 1 ato smp 1 dulu yach kita pernah emailan tp q punya dah ilang...
Moga di ultah ni... mas anggit smakin disayang Allah dan moga rencana-Nya tuk dirimu dapat kau terima dengan lapang... visit me at yaa :)...c u

At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Things happen for a reason. It's not fate, it's destiny. It's good that you're happy with your current situation, and by right (in my opinion) having a family of your own should enhance your happiness. Don't be confused and it's not God's plan. god gave you plenty of choices and you were the one who decides which path to go. Life is like a maze, puzzles and quizzes; basically if you pick the right one, you're on it. so, when things are not going according to plan, take a step back, relax, retrace, redo. You can't turn back the time, but you can always make your time. 29? 30? still young! But if you really wanna start having your own family, by all means, good for you! and best of luck!
speaking of hotshot, it think they're just run out of business. I still haven't found the best burger in jakarta, aside from "US-Style" that some places are offering, such as in hotels. Enough said, "In-and-Out burger" still numero uno for my taste! Well, I'll give BK the second.

At 10:32 AM, Blogger anggit said...

Thanks guys.. you're awesome!
I like your comment too, anonymous.. you have a wise idea, and always see things in a very good angle. Thanks for your comment. I really appreciate it.


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