Tuesday, August 18, 2009

it's been ages since the last time I typed in blogger. So many things have been going on...

This past whole year and a couple months, Unilever has been keeping me busy with a lot of scheduling, tasks, problems solving daily operation and et cetera. In a way, it is nice to keep my mind busy. It stimulate my mind to keep thinking, acting, and deciding the most logical and correct way. It greatly developed my personality and my way of thinking.

It used to be so annoying to hear my super ordinate keep asking 'why??' every time I explain something. But then, that's the way to learn. Basically, don't stop asking why until you find the root problem and getting the best or most optimum plan of actions.

Overall, I am happy and enjoying what I have been doing so far..
even though sometimes I feel so overwhelmed and feel that my life is not balance because my works keep taking so many space in my mind and time in my daily life.

but that's life.. I'm sure things will only get better and better.. more and more interesting.
See what life has to offer..


At 9:22 AM, Anonymous KayB said...

Anggit, we found you. For some reason I was thinking of you today and asked Debbie if she remembered your last name. We remembered it was and "S" but not much else. So, we Googled you and found you.

We are wondering how you are doing. We see that you work for Unilever and that you graduated from SIUE.

Kay in the Records Office

At 10:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kayyy..! It's good to see your comment here. I have my facebook: asubroto@gmail.com

aniway how is everything? Oh I miss everyone in Records Office sooo much..



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